New country and a new PC

It has been a while since I last published a new post here. I still have quite a number of drafts lining up, but has never managed to come around to finish them. Probably I should restart writing with some update on my life and some interesting things I learned recently.

A couple months ago I moved to a new country halfway around the world with a new job (or actually same old job in a different company), and I took this chance to learn to build a new PC. I have had a bit of experience with PC hardware before, but mainly from replacing part from a complete build, rather than building from an empty case, so this would be my first time having to work with a new case and mainboard.

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Azure Notification Hub SDK on .NET Standard and WNS Raw notification

Update (3 Oct 2018): Thanks to the beloved-by-community Jon Galloway, I can finally connect with the engineers working on the library. Hopefully, the team can push out a fix soon.

Update (13 Oct 2018): Microsoft team has quickly release version 2.0.1 with proper fix for the issue. Bravo for the team!

I have been using Azure Notification Hub for a very long time to send push notifications to my UWP apps on Windows 10. Since the introduction of .NET Core 1.0, I have gradually been moving my projects from .NET Framework to .NET Core. However, Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs was always the blockers due to the lack of support for .NET Standard.

Tl;dr version:

  • 2.0.0-preview1 and preview2 have issue sending WNS Raw message.
  • After 8 months, 2.0.0 was released with the same issue.
  • There was no place to report the issue.
  • There was no source code.
  • The fix is only 1 LOC, but I spent much more time to make the decompiled code compile back.
  • And now I have still no way to report the issue nor contribute the fix.
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Interesting notes on Docker Windows containers

In this post, I collected some useful links and notes when trying out Docker on Windows with Windows containers.

Useful images

Useful commands

Some notes

  • You do not see the Mount/Disk setting in Docker when using Windows container instead of Linux container because this is not necessary according to the documentation. However, you have to pass in correct parameter for the volume; for instance, C:\data_in_host:C:\data_in_container  or C:/data_in_host:C:/data_in_container  instead of C:/data_in_host:/data_in_container . Check the following links for more information:
  • You cannot test with http://localhost:{host_port} on Windows. You will have to use either http://{host_name}:{host_port} or http://{container_ip}:{container_port}. To find out container IP, you can use docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}' container_name.

Links & Examples

Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Docker containers